Arka Solutions, Inc seeks
Masters+6months exp/equiv.: Data Scientist (ADS23): Experience in Python, Pandas, SAP HANA, SQL Script and Eclipse.
Masters+1yr exp/equiv.: Software Developer (ASD23): Experience in SOAP, Github, Java, SQL, and Selenium Web Driver.
Mail resume with job ID to: HR, 8951 Cypress waters Bld, Suite 160, Dallas, TX 75019. Travel to unanticipated work sites throughout U.S. Foreign equiv. accepted.
ARKA Solutions Inc is a project-oriented information technology company located in Dallas. ARKA specializes in software development and IT infrastructure.
ARKA Solutions, Inc.
8951 Cypress waters Blvd, Suite 160 Dallas, TX 75019
Phone : 972-870-4449
E-mail :